Aircraft “drive-through” canopy for Sheltair Aviation at Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport in Broomfield, CO.View of the glulam chevron braces at the Nabholz office in Rogers, AR.My 4-way bolted moment connection at the Theatre Squared project in Fayetteville, AR. I provided delegated connection design for the steel fabricator on this project.
Bolted stiffened endplate moment connection that I designed, in the fabricator’s shop. This was for a special moment frame at the First Orion 5-story office in Little Rock, AR. I was not EOR on this project at my previous firm, but I did perform much of the analysis and seismic design for the building.My knife plate connection for the glulam chevron braces at the Nabholz office expansion in Rogers, AR.The Theatre Squared project in Fayetteville Arkansas where I provided delegated steel connection design services for the fabricator.
Stiffened bolted endplate connection I designed for a Special Moment Frame on the First Oriaon project, which is in a high-seismic (SDC=D) region in Little Rock, AR.My custom-designed exterior beam bracket for Nabholz office expansion in Rogers, AR.Glulam chevron brace center joint at the Nabholz office expansion in Rogers, AR.
Glulam beam connections to a glulam column under a CLT roof at the office expansion for Nabholz Construction in Rogers, AR. My first mass timber project as EOR.A 2-way bolted moment connection with different depth beams framing into an HSS column at the Theatre Squared project in Fayettevile, AR. I provided delegated connection for the fabricator on this one.